I hope everyone is having a great summer. I'm enjoying the time with my kids. We've been opening some more boxes (yes, still unpacking) and finding places for all of our things. The kids get excited when they find more toys! I'm trying to clear out and organize our basement-this will take a while. The kids were busy with morning camps through July so we're looking forward to sleeping in and hanging at home. Mommy's looking forward to finishing all of her projects :)
I found this little table at an antique center a couple of years ago. So cute but needed some serious help. I finally did something with it! |
After the table dried, I sprayed it down with Rustoleum 2x-double cover white flat paint, allowing the rough areas to come through. |
I will have lots to post in this next week as I complete each of my projects in the works!
Refinishing a couple of dressers, finishing trim in kitchen, Our "Where We've Been" map, a photo collage, darkening brass fixtures & fireplace doors...the list goes on and on.